F RONTHINK: SHERLOCK: Watch the Trailer For “The Abominable Bride”

October 26, 2015

SHERLOCK: Watch the Trailer For “The Abominable Bride”


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When SHERLOCK executive producers Steven Moffat and Sue Vertue teased an upcoming episode set in the Victorian era, fans at San Diego ComicCon went wild. If the first full trailer for this stand-alone special is any indication, the excitement is most definitely justified. It’s packed with lush, creepy visuals and just about everything else you’d hope for in a retro outing of this modern TV classic.
In keeping with tight-lipped tradition, the BBC is holding their cards close to the vest. While short on specifics, it’s clear that  Moffatt intends to  make good on his desire to explore the more gothic and ghostly tales in the Holmes lexicon. While these stories might land with an anachronistic thud in the slick, contemporary world of SHERLOCK, putting Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman in the way-wayback machine is a stroke of genius.
On October 25, the BBC revealed the official title and airdate for the 90-minute special. SHERLOCK: THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE will air on January 1, 2016 in both the US and UK. The simultaneous premiere is especially welcome news to Stateside fans who are used to a delayed airing of new episodes. An updated trailer was also released. Enjoy!

SHERLOCK airs on BBC One in the UK and as part of the PBS Masterpiece franchise here in the States. Series 1-3 are available for streaming on Netflix and can be purchased from Amazon Instant Video. Amazon also offers a one hour pilot version of “A Study In Pink” (S1/E1) that was not shown on TV. Click on either icon below to catch up with or re-watch SHERLOCK.
CLICK to watch on Netflix
CLICK to buy from Amazon Instant Video