July 11, 2018


This version of the RONTHINK blog is no longer active. We will not be posting new content here or updating the site beyond this final informational post. 

We launched the public beta of our new site in February. As of this writing, the transition to the WordPress platform is complete and the new RONTHINK blog is live. 

Please visit the new blog at ronthink.com 

August 12, 2016

TRAILER: “SW Rogue One” Trailer Two Released

The Death Star


The first official trailer for ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY was a pleasant surprise. The newly released follow-up is an epic wow! Make no mistake about it: this promo is a loving valentine to longtime fans of the original trilogy.

The mood here is decidedly darker, with a scope and grandeur that harkens back to our favorite memories of the scariest elements of raw Imperial power. My heart might be with the Rebel Alliance, but the Galactic Empire always had the coolest hardware. There are ground-level views of marauding AT-ATs (dazzling), a shot of the Death Star eclipsing a sun (powerful), the best TIE fighter pop-up to date (very cool) and a tantalizing, cruelly brief coda featuring the Sith Lord we love to hate (and hate to love): Darth Vader.

Check out the second ROGUE ONE trailer right here:

Curated links:

CLICK HERE: The official ROGUE ONE website

CLICK HERE: “7 Key Moments from the Second Trailer” (Hollywood Reporter)

CLICK HERE: “Five Takeaways from the New ROGUE ONE Trailer” (USA TODAY)

Ben Mendelsohn as Director Orson Krennic

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